What is the project about?

The TechnoVET project aims to promote digitalisation in the field of vocational education and training. The project specifically addresses the changes brought about by the Corona pandemic in the areas of technology, soft skills and administrative organisation.

Digital skills are one of the key factors that are particularly important for successful integration into the labour market. TechnoVET focuses on these and looks more closely at the target groups of trainees, trainers and training centres.

Throughout the project, the expected outcomes are:

1. A report on which technologies have proved most useful in recent years
2. A report as a guide for the use of digital tools
3. The development of preparatory courses for VET stakeholders to prepare and train them for digitalisation in training
4. Solutions and green practices for the administrative sector.

For further information, please visit https://www.ifcenter.es/en/copia-de-comparison-vet-construction

Bild 1
During the course of the project, there is always the opportunity to incorporate various team-building elements: here are some suitable ones for the topic of digital experiential education
Realising learning units that appeal to all target groups is the challenge in this meeting.
The transnational project meeting in Vilnius was characterised by intensive group work.

The stakeholders were asked about the topic via online surveys and interviews, the data was analysed, the responses of the more than 400 participants were processed and results were derived. These initial results of the survey can be found in the following “Survey Final Report”

Survey Final Report

Our first international multiplier event in May 2023

The results of our third work package, the video courses on teaching basic digital skills. All other video courses are available on the same YouTube channel.

In addition to the video courses, our attractively designed guide “Technological resources to improve the digitalisation of VET” offers the opportunity
to delve deeper into assistance, tools and good practice examples of digitalisation strategies in the training sector.
Our project results are aimed at training centres by developing suitable solutions for trainees, trainers and administrative management.

At our third face-to-face meeting at our partner Abstract-Technology GmbH in Berlin, we mainly worked on the design of the results of work package 3,
developed a design for the learning platform and compiled the information for the mid-term project report.

Improvement in VET” provides a sound basis for developing practical solutions to administrative challenges. Our findings are aimed at all stakeholders in the VET sector and support trainees, trainers and administrative professionals in systematically addressing existing challenges. The guide includes:
  1. A comprehensive report (in Work Package 4) with administrative solutions that serves as a guide for improved organisation and implementation in VET.

2. An open-source tool in which all results, reports, courses and documents – can be centrally collected, made available and shared within an open-source community. technovet.eu

Who are the partners and what is the duration?

The project consortium consists of partners from Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Belgium and Spain.
The project started on 17 October 2022, lasts 26 months and ends on 16 December 2024.

Your contact

Steffen Leist

Project Manager International Projects

E-Mail: s.leist@talentbruecke.de
Tel.: +49 221 29233315